I am sitting on board of the airplane as I am writing this post (it will appear on the blog a little later when I have internet connection to actually upload it). I am already on board but the flight has been delayed for an hour. I don't mind it though, because I love airports and love the flights. I can feel the spirit of excitement and adventure in the airport. People are going to new countries, they are going to see and experience things they have never seen and experienced before. And as I am sitting here I am thinking of all the wonderful memories that started in an airport. I remember myself as a 19 year old student waiting for my very first international flight to the USA. That was the beginning of the best summer of my life. A year later I was a 20 year old student at the same airport waiting for the beginning of the second best summer of my life. At 21 I was again at the airport but that time it was the beginning of a 12 month adventure which turned into the best year of my life. And oh how many best vacations of my life began in the airport!..
And as I keep thinking about it, about the happy memories I come to the conclusion that while it is great to have these certain anchors (like a certain place or a song) that remind you of happy moments of your life, you should also strive to make each day memorable. And for that I really love 2 techniques - one was suggested by Robin Sharma and the second one by Brian Tracey. Robin Sharma proposed to write in your dairy 5 things that you are grateful for each day. For example my 5 things for today would be: 1. I am thankful for my job and for all the wonderful opportunities it offers for my development and growth.
2. I am thankful for my friends and all the things that I am learning from them, for example anything is possible, you can even enter a university in Germany. All you need is your desire and actions.
3. I am thankful for my family and for their huge support of me and of all my beginnings.
4. I am thankful for this possibility to travel, to see the world and my own country.
5. I am thankful for all the abundance of this world, abundance of love and support.
The technique suggested by Brian Tracey offers you to write down three most memorable events of the day. So my three main events are:
1. I had Lunch with my friend from St. Petersburg. And also talked on the phone with another dear friend who I haven't seen for three months already.
2. I talked with my mom, haven't called her in 3 or 4 days, which is not typical of me
3. Business trip to Kazan.
Brian Tracey suggests then to write next to each of these events what sphere of life it represents. So in my case the first one is friends, second is family and third is career. And if you do that for at least a month you will be able to identify which spheres if life are important to you, which of them appear in your journal most often.
I think both of these techniques are very useful, I used both of them at certain periods of my life. They do help you realize that each day is unique. And if it isn't, you might want to start making it unique. Every single day deserves to be remembered. So the advice of the day is: create memories!
I think both of these techniques are very useful, I used both of them at certain periods of my life. They do help you realize that each day is unique. And if it isn't, you might want to start making it unique. Every single day deserves to be remembered. So the advice of the day is: create memories!
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